March 2022 Expenses

Hi, I'm Sayu, a nurse who FIRE in Japan!

I publish my expenditures every month.

You can learn the actual situation of Lean FIRE in Japan.

I have only broken it down into 5 categories

Now let’s take a look at February expenses:


Total-908USD (Excludes investment costs)

In total, I spent 908USD (111,250JPY) during February

Including investments, the total is 2785USD (341,000JPY).

I started graduate school in April of this year.

So my total expenses for the month of March are very high.

The average expenditure of a one-person household in Japan is 1283USD (150,506JPY) per month.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications household survey, 2020


245USD (30,000JPY) including eating out
I cook most of my own food, but I am not forcing myself to save money.
It is important to spend money on food for your health.

Fixed Expenses-578USD

Housing -102USD

I own my house and have no mortgage. Property tax and repair costs are divided by 12 months.

102USD (12,000JPY)


Water, gas, and electricity total about USD (7,000JPY).

The war has raised the cost of electricity significantly.


Pension 136USD(16,000JPY)

Health insurance 74USD(8,691JPY)

Resident tax 107USD(12,166JPY)

Communication fee-17USD

17USD(2,000JPY) Unlimited calls, 20 gigs.



Total for insurance, gasoline, maintenance, etc.



My hobbies such as playing musical instruments, reading books, bicycles, etc.

do not cost much money.

Therefore, my entertainment expenses are low.


This item includes stocks, mutual funds, RITE as well as personal investments (books and tuition).

I buy mutual funds of all world stocks using dollar cost averaging.

In Japan, there are NISA and iDeCo, which do not charge taxes on profits, and I use them (there is a cap on the amount that can be invested in a year).

Special Expenses-1387USD!!


I started taking graduate courses.

Admission fee and tuition for 7 courses.

It is not cheap, but I consider it the best investment I can make in myself.

Tuition is calculated as an investment.
